We have all different feet, naturally or by accident, and ski boots are made in identical pairs and according to the criteria of each brand. It is logical to have to customize them to obtain the best comfort while skiing.
First we help you to buy your ski boots based on the anatomy of your feet which we know how to analyze: long and thin, short and stocky, flat or arched, inactive, footballer, dancer or runner. Then, after the first ride you give us your impressions and we refine the settings together.
To avoid suffering in your shoes it is important to bring together the following elements:
- - suitable shoes
- - specific soles to facilitate body alignment and foot stability
- - high-performance, comfortable and breathable socks
If you already have your equipment and you are suffering, we will be able to offer you a solution. It is not normal to endure pain in your feet while skiing, there is bound to be a solution.
The main problems that we solve
A pain on this part of the foot is often characterized by cramps, feet are the basis of the body and support your weight, the arch of the foot is stretched, cramps may occur. The adaptation of your boots will prevent this phenomenon.
When the temperature decreases and your boots are unsuitable or too tight, they cause bad circulation of the blood. Sensitivity to cold is also an important element. Our in-store solutions will correct this problem.
Painful shins
In every day life , your shins are never supporting you as much as when in ski boots. Because of this unusual position, your body and your sensitivity may be the cause of this pain.
We have a solution against friction and moisture which causes blisters.
The pain may be varied and have various causes. We analyze your feet to determine the cause of your pain and treat it.
Painful knees
Misalignment of the feet, knees and hips can cause severe pain in the knees. We can correct this alignment.
Hallux valgus
Often called the onion, this foot deformity can be painful in a boots poorly adapted. We adapt boots to your morphology.
Pain on the medial malleolus
Your malleolus are subjected to pressure and friction, depending on your body (legs arched, x, flat or arched foot...) you can feel pain. The adaptation of boots will remove this pain.
Painful metatarsal heads
The constant pressure on the front of the foot, or a narrower shoe can be the cause of such pain. Our solutions in store will relieve you.